Our Values

Grace Bible Church exists to gather, grow, and send disciples who delight in Jesus 

Therefore we value: 


The Word of God

We believe the Bible is the true word of God, and as such we want it to shape our lives and ministries. It is foundational to everything we do. Because we value the Word of God, we believe in:

Expository Preaching | Sound Doctrine | Faithful Teaching | Reading | Education



Worship is what happens when we come to see our proper place in relation to God. He is high above us as our Creator, yet through the Spirit of Christ he is near to us. Because we value worship, we regularly participate in:

Prayer | Scripture Reading | Singing | Preaching | The Ordinances



The gospel should be lived out in every area of our lives, including our homes and relationships. Hospitality is sharing with others what God has given to you, and we see this lived out through:

Community Groups | Open Homes | Evangelism | Benevolence | Fellowship



A right understanding of God’s grace should lead us to look outside ourselves to the world around us. Outreach is the intentional movement of people towards the lost for the advance of the gospel. We desire to see this happen through:

Church Planting | Missions | Multiplication of Leaders | Service | Community Engagement



Discipleship is the primary means used in the church to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. It can look different depending on the context, but we see this happening mainly through:

Training | Mentoring | Leadership Development | Bible Study | Counseling | Prayer