Our Mission

Grace Bible Church exists to gather, grow, and send disciples who delight in Jesus 


We Exist to Gather

This means both that we gather together corporately for worship, to encourage one another and strengthen one another through the teaching of the Word and fellowship, and also that we see ourselves as a church that reaches out to gather those who are lost into the kingdom through evangelism, outreach, missions, and discipleship.

We Exist to Grow

Once someone has gathered together, the next step is growth. We want to encourage everyone, no matter where they are in their walk with the Lord, to be growing towards maturity in the faith. GBC is committed to facilitating regular opportunities for spiritual growth and development.

We Exist to Send

Once a disciple is growing, the next step is to send them. This does not always mean missions or church planting, but it does mean that we want to help our people discover where they can best serve the Lord, whether inside or outside of the local church context.

We Exist to Delight in Jesus

In all of these areas, our goal is delight in Jesus. We want our people to know the joy that comes from serving and the blessing that comes from giving of yourself. The future of every Christian is endless delight and happiness, and we want to pursue that now in our lives and ministries.